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Enneagram Books for Kids

A series of Enneagram books for kids in the 3-9 age group written and illustrated by Ann Gadd.
Enneagram Books for Kids
The Enya Kids Series of Books

Enneagram author Ann Gadd, (Sex and the Enneagram and The Enneagram of Eating), creates a series of kids’ Enneagram books. Above all, the purpose of these books is to help children get an understanding of the Nine Types. As a result, in time, after reading the books, kids will start to become aware of the various personalities. Likewise, they’ll be able to understand the differences between children. Above all, your child will gain understanding and compassion for each of the Nine Types and develop the skills to interact with different children.

Percy Perfect – Type 1

Percy Perfect. Percy is an Enneagram Type One. All is perfect in Percy’s life … or is it? Percy finds out there’s more to life than perfection. This fun story aimed at the 3-8 year age group.

Illustration of Percy Perfect by Ann Gadd in the Enneagram Books for Kids series

Percy Perfect is available as an e-book, paperback and FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

Hazel Helper – Type 2

Hazel is always helping others. One day she gets angry with her friends’ lack of appreciation for all she does. As a result, she stops helping. Because of this, she learns how to give to herself as well as others.

Sally Star – Type 3

Sally Star loves being the best. She loves to shine brightly. Consequently she succeeds at many things. But, Sally learns that sometimes there is more to life than being the best ….

Discover more about Type Three with Sally in this fun book. Aimed at the 3-8 year age group.

An illustration by Ann Gadd from Sally Star
Purchase here (FREE for Kindle Unlimited users):

Arthur Artsy – Type 4

Arthur Artsy loves being creative. Seems like though that he does find himself feeling like he doesn’t belong. As a result, this makes him sad. Follow his journey to find himself.

Sebastian Study – Type 5

Sebastian Study knows a lot. But, he finds he doesn’t know everything. In this fun book Sebastian learns what’s really important in life. Consequently, he’s a much more content lad.

Katy Cautious – Type 6

Felix Fun – Type 7

Young Felix (Enneagram Type Seven), loves to pursue fun adventures. But, he just can’t seem to enjoy any of them. He is so busy planning the next adventure. As a result, he never enjoys what he is doing. The story follows young Felix as he finds out the true meaning of fun.

Buy here:

FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Ben Boss – Type 8

Ben Boss likes to be the boss. He loves to rule. Then something happens and he can’t. As a result, Ben learns how to help other children win and be strong. A great introduction to the Enneagram. Suitable for children aged 3-8 years.

Posie Peace – Type 9: Coming in June 2020.

Identifying your child’s type:


  1. Mina Millen

    I love your books! I bought them all for kids. But where is Posie peace? Please let me know how to purchase that one.

    • Ann Gadd

      Hi Mina, Thanks so much for your kind words and enjoying the books. (If you left a rating or even a short review on some of them that would really be kind). As for Posie Peace, I’m busy working on her book now. The stories done, just doing the illustrations. Hopefully by mid July Posie can join her friends! Thanks

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